Case Studies


Mindset Matters

Exploring thoughts, feelings and emotions encourages people to move beyond their comfort zone to reach an outcome of long-lasting transformational change.

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Transforming operational leadership and delivery through a Mindset of Growth

“Mindset Practice as partners of Thales UK understand our challenges and get beyond the obvious. Their approach has allowed us to share and build transformative solutions together. The shift in mindset has been so rewarding to witness and we are really seeing the impact. They have continuously developed their offer alongside us to reflect the maturity of the relationship.”

— Head of Learning, Thales UK


Transforming STEM Talent

“Ensuring our people have the right mindset is essential to achieving Dstl’s purpose, to maximise the impact of science and technology for the defence, security and prosperity of the UK. The development of a mindset of Growth is an essential element of a blended development offering to Dstl staff.”
— Organisational Development Lead & Project Owner​​

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Flying High with a Mindset of Growth

We’re working in a complex, ambiguous, and volatile industry, at a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty [2022]. The most certain thing we know? There will be events out of our control. Our leaders need to be ready to lead through these events and that means resilient, effective leaders capable of prioritising what matters including the wellbeing, resilience, development, and performance of their teams. Basically, leaders with a mindset of growth.
Senior Manager, Leadership​​

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NHS Foundation Trust

Leadership to Care Programme

We have to ensure that leaders lead with compassion, rather than being directive, punitive and blaming” Michael West, Visiting Fellow, The King’s Fund.