To enable everybody to be their best, most authentic self, every day, by showing up consistently from a mindset of Growth rather than Survival.
Living our mission to build
Growth for everyone
We live what we do and care for the people and world around us. We are committed to an ambitious purpose of building a mindset of Growth for people in a way that touches everyone’s lives for the better. How are we doing this? What are some of our aspirations?
We use the Practices for Growth
to shape everything we do
Our Practices for Growth guide and shape everything we do. Role-modelling how to show up more consistently from a mindset of Growth means not only we benefit but our customers benefit from the best version of ourselves.
We choose to be a sustainable business
We are committed to reducing our carbon-footprint and protecting the environment around us. We prioritise the use of recycled material or material from sustainable sources. We have established close, collaborative relationships with local suppliers. All employees work flexibly and are contracted to use Fridays to learn, grow and renew.
Bespoke solutions that build a mindset of Growth and care for Health and Care Professionals
We can’t change factors like a lack of investment or resources in health and social care. However, we can support the people. Those people that make the biggest difference. We have created, for the first time, a suite of digital programmes designed specifically to meet the unique needs of Health and Care professionals. Priced intentionally to help and support Health and Care. Our solutions build a mindset of Growth that enables healthcare professionals to deliver compassionate care and look after themselves, rather than at the expense of themselves.
Everyone’s lives can be inspired
by a great teacher
We are working with Thales to pilot a scheme across 2022 to help school staff to be their best selves. If we help them we inspire a mindset to Growth in all young people. Our vision is that for every digital programme purchased by a corporate client we will provide one Mindset to Growth credit for participating schools.
Do you have an idea how we can collaborate and support the greater good through enabling a mindset of Growth? We would love to hear from you.
Awarded for Excellence in Employee Empowerment
Awarded for Excellence in Organisational Effectiveness
Awarded for Excellence in Innovation
Exciting News! Mindset Practice App: Launching soon to empower your mind