

Successful outcomes are everything

Incredible things happen when people value themselves and feel valued by others

A mindset of Growth starts with valuing yourself as well as others.  Showing up more from a mindset of Growth not only helps individuals be the best version of themselves, but it positively impacts everyone around them.

Read and watch about some of Mindset Practice’s success stories with leaders, graduates and people at all levels, in organisations and everyday life.

THALES Testimonial on Teams and Culture

What our Customers say

What our Participants say

What our Licensed Practitioners and Associates say

“As a mindset and leadership coach with a background in psychology, my coaching approach is grounded in solid, evidence-based methods. A few years ago, I sought a way to expand the powerful mindset transformations I was facilitating for individual clients and deliver these results at scale. That’s when I discovered Mindset Practice, and since becoming a licensed practitioner and associate, it’s been a transformative part of my work.
Mindset Practice offers practical, straightforward solutions that take complex psychological concepts and make them easy to apply—not just for practitioners like myself, but also for the end clients. Their system is thoughtfully designed, with built-in tools to measure effectiveness on individual, group, and organisational levels.
Collaborating with Jackie, Rich, and the entire team has been an absolute pleasure, and I’m proud to recommend their innovative solutions to anyone serious about creating lasting change.”


Aleksandra Atman
Transformational Growth Coach
The Atman Practice

Attending the Mindset Practice Licenced Practitioner Training (LPT) has been a transformative experience. The face to face workshop and online modules not only deepened my understanding of how mindset shapes how we show up in our professional and personal lives, but it also provided practical tools to facilitate growth and high performance in others. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first started but was pleasantly surprised how much it also helped me to be more present with my own emotions. Overall, the workshop equipped me with actionable strategies to help others unlock their potential, and I now feel fully prepared to facilitate growth using mindset practice tools. If you’re committed to fostering personal and professional growth, then the Mindset Practice LPT is for you!


Daniel Yuki Smith
Training Consultant
Interaction Learning and Development

Interaction Learning & Development have been partnering with Mindset Practice for nearly 5 years. We use their very powerful and insightful EI tools to support our Management Development Programmes, Graduate Programmes and also run Mindset to Growth, and Mindset to Lead as standalone applied EI training programmes. Their dynamic self-directed programmes underpin our training, supporting resilience and a Growth mindset. With licences available to delegates for 12 months their products also form an important part of support to delegates as they come off a programme and embeds a culture of sustained learning. We have a very strong relationship with Rich, Jackie and the team that enables us to ensure we have the right tools for our programmes and they provide updated insight and research at our quarterly partnership meetings.


Catherine Milne
Chartered MCIPD
Senior Consultant Interaction Learning and Development