The Growth Climate 360 enables participants to seek feedback on the shadow they cast as a leader or in their relationships: do they create a climate of Growth or Survival?
The powerful reporting provides valuable reflection for individuals, leaders and teams seeking to create a climate of Growth, inclusion and psychological safety.
Intuitive interface places the responsibility for inviting and managing raters on the participant – reducing administration cost and encouraging the participant to own their development from the outset
Provides feedback against 6 distinct Growth and Survival styles drawn from research relating to defensive behaviour and the ‘dark side’ of personality, plus evidence observed from over a decade of mindset development facilitation
Designed to work either in tandem with our mindset development psychometrics or as a stand-alone intervention
Feedback from the report is powerful both in its simplicity (i.e. how do others experience me – do I create a Growth or Survival climate?) and also its complexity, with its presentation of summary data, rater breakdowns and qualitative feedback
Smart reporting makes it easy to identify the participant’s most prominent Growth and Survival styles, while identifying blind spots and hidden strengths
Customer-led administration interface makes it easy to run powerful, large-scale 360 campaigns which allow participants to initiate their 360 when it is right for them, and automating access to the feedback report when sufficient raters have responded
Best Suited For
Transforming leadership climate and culture
Enabling effective collaboration
Leadership and talent development
Building high performing, psychologically safe teams
Completion Time
Typical 15 minute participant completion time
Average 10 minute rater completion time
Sustaining Learning
12 months access to FABB for 66 days habit change tool
Unique Growth Tracker functionality enables participants to seek further feedback on their chosen areas. Rather than retake the whole questionnaire, participants use a mini-360 to seek feedback on their areas for growth.
Complimentary group reporting provides valuable intelligence on overall group capabilities. This can be used to inform future support and to quantify ROI.